Worst Password of 2013 are listed below if you have the same kind of password change your password soon.The expert take a survey of the very weak or worst password list. We all know that the very worst password is "PASSWORD" but there are some others are come on the top places on the worst passwords are
- 123456 Rank 1
- password Rank 2
- 12345678 Rank 3
- Unchanged Rank 3
other frequently worst passwords are
- iloveyou
- abc123
- letmein
- adobe123
- 12341234
- photoshop
- 000000
- 11111
- admin
- monkey
- sunshine
- princess
- trustno1
- azerty
These passwords are easily hacked by the hackers and scammers to protect your device or your personal mails make your password strong. Few Suggestions of the passwords are not to keep your name or your family members name and your date of birth or your mobile number and no common words mentioned above. Make it easy to remember but hard to guess amd specific and memorable to your and securable to your mail box or personal belongings.