Showing posts with label our rights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label our rights. Show all posts

Monday, April 7, 2014

How to make 100% of the voting in India ?

Voting is our rights ? Why nowadays people are escaping from voting and selecting their leader for their nation. Is they busy in their work ? They do know the importance of the voting ? They all know the importance of voting but still they are hate to vote . why ? lets see the reason and solution for this below.

Peoples nowadays are working in a rush world they have less time to think about the nation and if we choose any person also the same price increase is going to happen and no growth in the nation . So people planned to not to vote ? yes few are but still many want to vote for their place but they wont be stay there or work at any other location in India or out-side of India .

How to make 100% of the voting in India ?

We can also provide the online voting system by providing their unique identification number in their voter id and their personal details was asked randomly as an authentication proof. and allowed to vote through online for their areas. It is one of the best solution to increase the educated people to vote for their nation in the case many think they have to stand in a queue so it will increase the people who have personal issues who cant wait in a precious time for their voting and the same we can avoid the false or illegal voting and we can also provide cyber security for voting.

We can also provide the toll free number for voting and through mobile phone on their regional language and also in common language like Hindi and English to select. Based on their state they have separate Toll Free Number and we can have their full details about who is standing in which post and what is his qualification etc.,

Why can't we  use the technology in our new voting system why government is not taken steps for this ?Nowadays all are changed to new trend on mobile or internet based but still voting is based on queue. Is Election Commission will think about this ? Lets see next election may have any of these and increase the voting ? Why still government is not updating to trendy one ? Is they giving way to trespassers . Lets See some changes soon... I hope it will definitely reach the Election Pannel  members soon.